All Blog Posts in "Advocacy"
Students with Disabilities in the Field of Medicine (by Farzana Ali)
December 5, 2016
Farzana Ali (left) and Daniel W. Sheehan, Associate Dean for Medical Curriculum at the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. How are you going to do the long hours of clinical rotation in this condition? As a premedical student, the strong emotion invoked by that question left me speechless. Especially since it was posed by the Associate Dean of medical education from my beloved undergraduate institution, Stony Brook University, a community where I developed my values o…
ADA 25 and an Autistic Advocate’s Celebration of Disability!
August 14, 2015
ADA 25 and an Autistic Advocate’s Celebration of Disability! by Alec Frazier and Autistic Reality http://www.nothingaboutuswithoutus.net/ I am writing to report back on advocacy activities I have taken part in during the 2015 Conference of the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as other activities in Washington, DC.
Alec Frazier with Yoshiko Dart
I met with a number of really wonderful disability …Out of the Shadows: Join the Conversation
October 24, 2014
By Lizz Schumer, editor of The Sun in Hamburg, NY Stephen Hawking once said, "Sometimes I wonder if I'm as famous for my wheelchair and disabilities as I am for my discoveries." And it's true that Hawking's face is as recognizable as his science; as is Einstein's, as is Ben Franklin's. But would anyone know Einstein without his characteristically crazy hair, or Ben without his bald head and pocket watch? We're quick to judge people by their appearances, even if their talents overshadow them. W…
Sharing Noah's Story
January 26, 2012
By Nicole Forgione, Contributor When I was asked to do this week’s blog, I did not know what to write about at first, but a thought quickly came to mind. Since I manage the Facebook pages for People Inc. (www.facebook.com/peopleinc) and the Museum of disABILITY History (www.facebook.com/museumofdisability), it was brought to my attention the many national stories that were recently in the news about a young boy with Down syndrome who was in a Target ad. The news featured Rick Smith of NoahsD…
Kennedy’s: A Family of Advocacy
December 8, 2011
By Nicole Forgione, Contributor Kennedy family portrait, circa late 1930s. Is there an athletic program for children and adults with disabilities to compete in? Is there a national program to help people with disabilities express themselves through artwork? Is there an organization focused on friendship that fund-raises to help families with a loved who has an intellectual disability? If it was not for members of the Kennedy and Shriver family, the answers to these questions may be no. Inst…