All Blog Posts in "Media and Disability"
Out of the Shadows: Join the Conversation
October 24, 2014
By Lizz Schumer, editor of The Sun in Hamburg, NY Stephen Hawking once said, "Sometimes I wonder if I'm as famous for my wheelchair and disabilities as I am for my discoveries." And it's true that Hawking's face is as recognizable as his science; as is Einstein's, as is Ben Franklin's. But would anyone know Einstein without his characteristically crazy hair, or Ben without his bald head and pocket watch? We're quick to judge people by their appearances, even if their talents overshadow them. W…
The Story behind "Raising Matty Christian"
April 23, 2014
By Christian de Rezendes, Guest Contributor I have an old friend, and his name is Paul. We both worked in video production separately under our own companies, and after having lost touch over several years, we were coincidentally reconnected by phone. So we spent some time catching up. Two weeks later, Paul calls me again. He says he has some news that he must share with me and proceeds to tell me about a client who has hired him to transfer old VHS home movies to DVD. Having been…
An Epic Fight, an Epic Journey
February 10, 2014
By Lexie Avery, Contributor Can you imagine being fifteen years old and never having left your small hometown? Never having experienced anything beyond the walls of comfort? For Darius Weems, this was his reality. Diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a disease that will eventually lead to his early death, Darius had never left his hometown of Athens, Georgia due to the struggle it was to get around. Despite this fact, Darius was a bright and happy boy even when the reality of his sit…
“Any Day Now” – Inspired by true events
November 13, 2013
By Danielle Herrmann, Contributor Have you ever had one of those days where there is nothing more appealing than sitting back and watching a good movie? I was recently in this sort of mood myself. And, thankfully, with the aid of that noble boredom-vanquisher, Netflix, I was able to find a film that did so much more than merely entertain. Any Day Now, a 2012 filminspired by true events, tells the story of a gay couple who is fighting to keep custody of a boy with Down syndrome in the 1970s.…
Inclusion: The Joy of Drumming
October 7, 2013
By David Mack-Hardiman, Contributor In a community called Colony Unzen in Nagasaki prefecture in Japan, people who have conditions that are disabling live in residential homes with the support of professionals and neighbors. While some of these individuals formerly lived in institutions, they are now encouraged to live as independently as possible. Several of them started drumming as a form of rehabilitation and recreation. Through constant practice and training, they formed a professional dru…
"An Introspective Journey"
June 14, 2013
By Jewel Kats, Guest Contributor
I believe EVERYTHING in life happens for a reason. The good. The bad. The ugly. Without this combination of experiences you wouldn’t be you. I wouldn’t be me.
Fast-forward to today, and you’ll encounter a woman with disabilities who is confident, bold, outspoken, successful and happy to a fault.
I wasn’t always this way.
My Emotional Adventure Fighting Bullying in Buffalo, NY
November 20, 2012
By Jesse Saperstein, Esteemed Guest Contributor On Thursday, October 4, 2012, I had the privilege of delivering a lecture at the University of Buffalo. The lecture was part of the "disABILITIES Film Festival and Speaker Series," an annual event hosted by People Inc. and the Museum of disABILITY History. People Inc. is the parent company of the Museum of disABILITY History.
Curator Doug Platt leads Jesse Saperstein on a tour of the Museum.A man named Doug gave me a tour of the Mus…
disABILITIES Film Fest: A Call to Stop Bullying
November 1, 2012
By Osiris Gomez, Contributor The 8th Annual disABILITIES Film Festival and Speaker Series on October 4, 2012, hosted by the Museum of disABILITY History and People Inc., turned out to be a night to remember! We packed the house! Our attendance was nearly 500. After some mingling and light refreshments in the lobby, we all headed to the Mainstage Theatre at the University at Buffalo Center for the Arts. The feature film was Bully, directed by award-winning and esteemed documentarian Lee Hirsch…