All Blog Posts in "Publications"
The Buffalo State Hospital Farm Colony, Wilson, New York
June 30, 2014
By Dr. James M. Boles, Senior Research Advisor As the Museum of disABILITY History continues to research the history of Buffalo State Hospital in preparation for a new Abandoned History Series™ publication, more information has been uncovered about the Wilson Farm Colony. Our initial research was directed to the land owned by the Dwight family in the Town of Wilson. This was based upon an inquiry from a Wilson resident and New York State reports. However, with the assistance of the Town of Wi…
Dr. Platt H. Skinner - Early Educator, Advocate, and Abolitionist
February 2, 2012
By Reid Dunlavey, Contributor Dr. Platt Henry Skinner. Photo courtesy of Gallaudet University
Conducting research on forgotten events and people that have impacted disability history can be difficult and at the same time very rewarding. This is the case in regards to a little known educator named Platt H. Skinner. In 1858 Skinner opened his “School for the Instruction of the Colored Deaf, Dumb and Blind” in what is today Niagara Falls, New York near the Suspension Bridge that crossed the b…
Kennedy’s: A Family of Advocacy
December 8, 2011
By Nicole Forgione, Contributor Kennedy family portrait, circa late 1930s. Is there an athletic program for children and adults with disabilities to compete in? Is there a national program to help people with disabilities express themselves through artwork? Is there an organization focused on friendship that fund-raises to help families with a loved who has an intellectual disability? If it was not for members of the Kennedy and Shriver family, the answers to these questions may be no. Inst…