All Blog Posts in "Down syndrome"
“Any Day Now” – Inspired by true events
November 13, 2013
By Danielle Herrmann, Contributor Have you ever had one of those days where there is nothing more appealing than sitting back and watching a good movie? I was recently in this sort of mood myself. And, thankfully, with the aid of that noble boredom-vanquisher, Netflix, I was able to find a film that did so much more than merely entertain. Any Day Now, a 2012 filminspired by true events, tells the story of a gay couple who is fighting to keep custody of a boy with Down syndrome in the 1970s.…
Sharing Noah's Story
January 26, 2012
By Nicole Forgione, Contributor When I was asked to do this week’s blog, I did not know what to write about at first, but a thought quickly came to mind. Since I manage the Facebook pages for People Inc. (www.facebook.com/peopleinc) and the Museum of disABILITY History (www.facebook.com/museumofdisability), it was brought to my attention the many national stories that were recently in the news about a young boy with Down syndrome who was in a Target ad. The news featured Rick Smith of NoahsD…